Saturday, June 11, 2016

Living a Keto Lifestyle

Seven months ago I came to a point in my life that I had to make drastic changes for my health.  I have lived with Epilepsy for 30 years and have struggled off and on to control my seizures.  I have had to change medications, stop specific activities and take leave from work to name a few.

I was in the middle of a medication change back in November of 2016 and the medication was not helping and I was having a hard time adjusting.  So I made the choice to do a massive overhaul of my diet, my life and my goals.

I began a strict ketogenic diet and over the last seven months have had to try different things to find what worked for my body and my wellbeing.  Today I am seizure free, at a healthy weight, I heavy lift 3 days a week, I run an Instagram account that talks about my life with Epilepsy and living a keto lifestyle, started my own Massage Business and adopted a puppy.

The journey over these past months have not been easy but they have been well worth it.  I am truly in an amazing place.  I have not been good at keeping up on my blog and I want to change that.  I have my macros dialed in, I am in constant ketosis, I no longer need to test ketones and glucose every single day and find I don’t have to focus on food prep all the time.  I completed 90 days of blood testing and know my patterns and what I need to continue a life of being fat adapted.  With that being said…..I can change my focus a bit.

My goal is to try out experiments using different products, review products I have used and give tips on living a keto/lowcarb/high fat lifestyle.

Stay tuned for updates!!  Check out my Instagram Account @thetraininsideme